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Personal blog about IT and more

100 Days of Code

I was having the 100daysOfCode challenge page opened in my browser for about a month before I actually decided to start. It might be a late Sunday evening decision, but I feel finally ready to start this commitment! This is going to be totally new experience for me, but since it’s something I really want to do I think I’ll enjoy the ride.


I consider myself privileged to already work in a software company. Even though I’m not a developer (yet), in my current position I often act as a bridge between the development team and the technology our software works with. Runecast Analyzer is a knowledge automation solution which does analysis of VMware infrastructure and AWS public cloud against known and documented issues, security profiles, best practices etc.
I, as a VMware Engineer, often browse through the VMware SDK while defining specific requirements for the next piece of the puzzle we want to automate. With time, I started to look also more at the Java implementation which helps me be more productive while communicating with our awesome developers. Little by little my interest grew stronger and I decided it is time to take it to the next level.


My ultimate goal after completing this challenge is to be able to pass an interview for junior Java developer. I’m not looking into changing my job completely, instead I see this more like a milestone I want to achieve.
The following should help me get there:

  • Develop a habit to code more often
  • Learn Spring framework
  • Understand Maven
  • Learn to write more complex SQL queries


I’m going to leverage my current knowledge and expertise in the VMware domain and strengthen it with exploring how things actually work in the background.
Along with that, I’ll start a Java programming course at pluralsight where I have annual subscription as a VMware vExpert . And most importantly, practice, practice and practice!

I’ll be sending regular updates on Twitter and when there is something more I want to say I’ll be posting it as a blog post.


Already started following some people on twitter which are on different levels of this challenge. The community seems great and I’m glad to become a part of it. I’m always happy to hear feedback or suggestions. If you have an advice you want to share or just want to chat, feel free to reach out via Twitter .